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Welcome to Global Award News!

All the movie enthusiasts, we are happy to have you here. We know that your passion towards exploring the latest from the world of Indian and global cinema has brought you here. You have landed in just the right place. Global Award News is just the right place to get the latest updates from the world of Indian and International cinemas.

Think of anything related to movie awards and we get you covered for the same. Right from national and international award news to your favorite updates about your favorite celebrities, you will be covered for everything here.

We do not believe in being geo-specific because we know that there are as many international cinema lovers and we do not want to disappoint them. So, besides getting the biggest Indian award updates, get the latest from the world of Hollywood as well.

Keep yourself updated on the performance of your favorite celebrities; get to know the latest from the prize ceremonies and the award functions. If you miss on the updates on award shows, worry not as you will get all that you ever want to know right here at Global Award News.

We take care of our readers in all the possible ways and always make sure that they get only the best possible information and updates from the world of Hollywood and Indian cinema.

Global award news is your true information partner as it opens a treasure of movie news as well as updates, trends etc. before you. We are dedicated and have an experienced staff of reporters that believes in giving you only the genuine information from the world of movies.

Movie gossip is one of the most favorite topics and we get you covered here for the same. We are the best so far and make every possible effort to maintain our reputation. You will find hundreds of other movie blogs all over the Internet that are filled with tons of news and most of them are fake. This is where we differ.

Global Award News has always believed in getting its readers only the latest and genuine news. We have a team of well-qualified and experienced reporters for bringing the latest updates right from the venues.

Our commitment towards excellence is what has made us different. We have another blog on the same niche by the name of All Awards News. You can follow that blog as well as it is equally informative.

Since you are just in just the right place, let us have something for you! We have a plan in the offing. If you are our regular visitors and can recommend us to others, we would surprise you with gift offers. Keep abreast of the latest from the world of national and international cinema with us.

Thanks for visiting us. We look forward to your further visits!